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The mediation process can vary slightly depending on the type of dispute that is involved. When both parties have decided to proceed voluntarily, an appointment is made and an Agreement to Mediate is signed.


The Agreement to Mediate is a document that will address such things as the mediation procedures and communications,  the role of the mediator and parties, confidentiality during the mediation sessions, scheduling, costs and fees etc. 


The mediator will then meet with the parties together and/or separately. This is done over the course of a couple of sessions or a number of sessions over several days or weeks.


During the mediation process, information will be gathered by the mediator to ensure they are fully informed on all matters relating to the the dispute. The mediator will be exploring issues and developing options with the parties in order for them to move from dispute to negotiation and finally a Mediation Agreement.


Mediation is confidential and any information given to the mediator cannot be passed on to anyone else unless prior consent by the parties is given.  


It is important to state that mediation is a voluntary process and the parties involved or the mediator can terminate the process at any time. 


Fees are paid per session for family and separating couples and are paid on a per day/hour with other types of mediation. Fees are usually divided equally between the parties unless other arrangements have been made by the clients. 


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